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Dev Livestream: February Update First Look

It's been a busy 2020, Auraxians, and our team is excited to finally unveil the next major game update coming to PlanetSide 2!

Join us TOMORROW for a Livestream announcement that you won't want to miss! We have an incredible program planned, including a full hands-on preview, dates, details, and giveaways. Here are all the details:

  • WHERE:
  • WHEN: Thursday, February 6 @ 2:00 PM PST (10:00 PM GMT)
  • WHO: PlanetSide 2 Development Team

We're fresh off the new studio announcement, and the energy and enthusiasm from our community has been unbelievable - your loyalty and support means everything, and we can't wait to show off everything we've been working on and celebrate with you in style!

We'll see you in Twitch chat tomorrow!

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