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Aug. 10, 2022 - PC Hotfix

All PC servers will come down for the following update on Wednesday, August 10, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 3 hours.

Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions

  • Mission pools now reset every 8 hours, instead of every 24.
  • Surveying the Land mission is now completable on Oshur using Trident bases.
  • Replaced "All Access" icon on Missions and Depot with updated Membership iconography.
  • Made adjustments to nudge laser guided, lockon, and proximity-lock projectiles back into alignment. Future adjustments may be needed.
  • Increased the overall tracking speed and maximum velocity of Defector's Hummingbird.
  • Oshur Seaposts now have Pain Fields in the spawn rooms.
  • Fixed an issue where Outfit Wars enlistment button would show as lit, but unclickable, despite already being enrolled in a war.
  • Fixed an issue where Outfit Wars enlistment button could show as 0/48 when 48 players had completed signup.
  • Fixed an issue causing Spitfire Turrets to use Basilisk audio.
  • NS-45 "Assassin" Pilot now has access to Darklight and Suppressor.
  • NS-45 "Assassin" Pilot's rear sight dots no longer hover out of place during a reload.
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