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January 15, 2024 - PC Update


Lunar New Year Returning Bundles! (24th January 2025 - 10th February 2025)

Players will be able to purchase previous Lunar New Year bundles for a limited time!

Lunar New Year Bundle! (24th January 2025 - 10th February 2025)

Players can find a New Lunar Year Bundle in the Depot that contains the following:

  • Lunar Serpent Helmet
  • Lunar Serpent Decal
  • Lunar Serpent Banner
  • Lunar Serpent Banner Frame
  • Lunar Serpent Camo
  • Rattle Horn

Members Only Bundles

Daybreak All Access Members will find in the Members Only section of the Depot the following bundles:

January Members Only Bundle I (Available throughout February)

  • Trench Shovel (Melee weapon)
  • Camo-Net Exterior Kit (Sunderer and Harasser)
  • Camo Net Hubcaps (Sunderer and Harasser)
  • Camo-Net Bumper Kit (Sunderer)
  • Camo-Net Windshield Kit (Harasser)

Lunar New Year Members Only Bundle (24th January 2025 - 10th February 2025)

This year we thought we would throw in a load of titles fitting for the Lunar New Year. Some of these titles are available in our Lunar New Years bundles, some aren't! Players who purchase this bundle will obtain:

  • Title: Lunar Dragon
  • Title: Lunar Rabbit
  • Title: Lunar Tiger
  • Title: Lunar Ox
  • Title: Lunar Rat
  • Title: Lunar Boar
  • Title: Lunar Hound
  • Title: Lunar Rooster
  • Title: Lunar Monkey
  • Title: Lunar Ram
  • Title: Lunar Horse
  • Title: Lunar Snake

Weapon Cosmetics

In the Ammo slot on the NS-D Helios and its skin variants you will now be able to purchase different colored flames. So far we are testing the waters with the following:

  • NS-DB Blue Ammo
  • NS-DB Green Ammo
  • NS-DB Purple Ammo


  • We are happy to introduce our NSO players to the "NS-T Skeleton Key", an NSO only power knife!
  • Removal of Auraximas Decorations from Sanctuary and other continents

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the grayed out areas on Esamir do not show the out of bounds messaging and effect
  • Fixed a hole in the terrain on Amerish
  • Fixed the mysterious missing sidearm directive
  • Fixed a door at Mani Site on Esamir that had single sided polygons
  • Fixed an Armored Canopy model that had inconsistency with it's collision

Crash Updates

  • Improved game stability, including fixing several memory leak crashes and common crashes

Known Issues:

  • Some rare crash cases may still be present in the game but will be addressed in the next series patches
