Server Performance Improvements
In this update, we've made significant performance optimizations to NPCs that can be "interacted with" by the player. These interactable NPCs include terminals, vehicles, generators, conduits, and certain mission objectives – basically any NPC that requires you to press a button to ask it to do something. Previously these NPCs would query interaction requirements on any character in range, even ones that aren't intending to use them. This change is especially important when it comes to CTF conduits, which were also checking for line of sight (another costly check) at sometimes long distances. We still have areas to investigate further when it comes to the creation of characters on a zone, but these NPC changes address one of the major areas of focus we outlined in an earlier update.
A Very Serious April
This year, April Fools is cancelled. We're still bringing back previous years holiday items, but we're not happy about it. You'll find last year's Jester's Bundle, The Schnoz (which gives an EXTRA 20% bonus experience while worn,) and the new Gone Fishing Bundle in the Depot through Apr. 09.
In accordance with this very serious holiday, we're also issuing DOUBLE EXPERIENCE for ALL PLAYERS through Apr. 03.
Gone Fishing Bundle - 1499 DBC
- Gone Fishing Profile Banner (All Factions)
- Tacklebox Drop Pod (All Factions)
- Fishing Hat (VS, NC, TR, NSO)

The new Fishing Hat and Tacklebox Drop Pod. Fishing system sold separately.
Faction-Specific Class Abilities
In this update, each faction receives one new class ability! In most cases, these are abilities that were available as prototypes during previous Campaigns, with balance adjustments and cleanup where needed.
Hermes Cloaking (VS Infiltrator only)
Provides a speed-enhancing cloak with added fall resistance to help you maneuver around the battlefield.
- Rank 1: Cloak lasts for 6.5 seconds, increases sprint speed by 20%, and recharges in 13 seconds.
- Rank 2: Cloak lasts for 7 seconds, increases sprint speed by 20%, and recharges in 12.5 seconds.
- Rank 3: Cloak lasts for 7.5 seconds, increases sprint speed by 20%, and recharges in 12 seconds.
- Rank 4: Cloak lasts for 8 seconds, increases sprint speed by 20%, and recharges in 11.5 seconds.
- Rank 5: Cloak lasts for 8.5 seconds, increases sprint speed by 25%, and recharges in 11 seconds.
Demeter Veil (NC Heavy Assault only)
While active, the Demeter Veil reduces incoming damage to you and nearby allies for up to 6 seconds, but doesn't target allied MAX or Heavy Assaults.
- Rank 1: Reduces damage by 25% for up to 6 seconds. Protects allies within 5 meters and regenerates to full over 14 seconds.
- Rank 2: Reduces damage by 25% for up to 6 seconds. Protects allies within 5 meters and regenerates to full over 13 seconds.
- Rank 3: Reduces damage by 25% for up to 6 seconds. Protects allies within 5 meters and regenerates to full over 12 seconds.
- Rank 4: Reduces damage by 25% for up to 6 seconds. Protects allies within 5 meters and regenerates to full over 11 seconds.
- Rank 5: Reduces damage by 25% for up to 6 seconds. Protects allies within 6 meters and regenerates to full over 10 seconds.
Triage Pulse (TR Combat Medic only)
A pulse of healing nanites washes over nearby allies, causing them to regenerate health over time, and immediately restoring health for critically injured allies.
- Rank 1: Allies within 6 meters heal 60 health per second for 5 seconds. Allies below 100 health are healed for 100 health immediately. 25 second cooldown.
- Rank 2: Allies within 6 meters heal 60 health per second for 5 seconds. Allies below 100 health are healed for 125 health immediately. 25 second cooldown.
- Rank 3: Allies within 6 meters heal 60 health per second for 5 seconds. Allies below 150 health are healed for 125 health immediately. 25 second cooldown.
- Rank 4: Allies within 6 meters heal 60 health per second for 5 seconds. Allies below 150 health are healed for 150 health immediately. 25 second cooldown.
- Rank 5: Allies within 6 meters heal 60 health per second for 5 seconds. Allies below 200 health are healed for 150 health immediately. 25 second cooldown.
Repair Drone (NSO Engineer only)
NSO Engineers have the option to replace their turret with a loyal drone that will repair nearby mechanical targets. Enemies can destroy this drone.
- Rank 1: Repairs 40 health per second to mechanical targets within 10 meters. 45 second cooldown on deployment.
- Rank 2: Repairs 43 health per second to mechanical targets within 10 meters. 45 second cooldown on deployment.
- Rank 3: Repairs 46 health per second to mechanical targets within 10 meters. 45 second cooldown on deployment.
- Rank 4: Repairs 49 health per second to mechanical targets within 10 meters. 45 second cooldown on deployment.
- Rank 5: Repairs 52 health per second to mechanical targets within 10 meters. 45 second cooldown on deployment.

Each faction has received new class abilities. There's probably a VS Infiltrator in this shot somewhere.
MAX Adjustments
The updates to MAX units below are, as a whole, meant to reduce the lethality and longevity of this equipment on the battlefield.
MAX units can no longer be revived
This is a major change that we'll be keeping a close eye on. Please continue to share thoughts and feedback after this change makes it into the wild.
Other MAX Adjustments
- Ordnance Armor now properly reduces damage from Infantry Lock-ons (type 68) by 20%. This was previously 0% for Infantry Lock-ons and 40% for Infantry Rocket Launchers (resist type 34.)
- MAX nanite cost from 450 to 350, now in parity with the Defector.
- Headshot multiplier for most MAX weapons reduced from 2x to 1.5x
- MAX units can no longer equip the Safeguard or Phylactery implants.
- Defector's Time Bomb no longer kills the user, and instead inflicts high self-damage and momentary slow upon detonation.
- Added new "Fallout Hardening" defensive slot that reduces incoming Orbital Strike damage by 11/14/17/22% and Burning damage by 50/60/70/75/80%.
NC-specific MAX Adjustments
Aegis Shield (NC MAX Ability)
- While the shield is active, energy now drains at a rate of 40 per second.
- Energy recharge rate from 150 per second to 80 per second.
Dev Note: These changes reduce the overall uptime of the Aegis Shield, and force more conscious management of the energy resource.
NCM1 Scattercannon
- From 5x pellets at 130@8m - 50@20m
- To 5x pellets at 100@8m - 50@20m
- Refire rate from 460ms to 500ms
AF-34 Mattock
- From 3x pellets at 112@15m - 92@50m
- To 3x pellets at 112@15m - 84@40m
AF-41 Hacksaw
- From 5x pellets at 75@8m - 50@15m
- To 5x pellets at 75@5m - 40@15m
AF-23 Grinder
- From 10x pellets at 50@8m - 35@20m
- To 8x pellets at 50@8m - 35@20m
Vehicle Adjustments
Nimitz Reactor (NC Vanguard Defensive Slot)
- A depleted shield no longer has a longer shield recharge time than the one caused by the normal damage delay, and is instead standardized at 6 seconds upon receiving any damage.
- Shield health regenerated per second from 100 at all ranks to 100/150/175/200 at ranks 1-4.
- Activating Forward Vanguard Shield, Fire Suppression, or Smoke Screen will restore 500 shield health immediately.
Dev Note: The changes here are meant to make Nimitz Reactor a more viable defensive slot option.
Perihelion (VS Lightning/Magrider Main Cannon)
- Charge time is no longer infinite, and can now be held for up to 5 seconds before automatically firing.
- This weapon still reaches a Stage 2 charge at 1 second, and a Stage 3 charge at 3 seconds.
JGX-12 (NC Vanguard Main Cannon)
- Direct damage from 650 to 600.
- Blast damage damage from 450 to 400.
JGX-11 (NC Lightning Main Cannon)
- Direct damage from 700 to 500.
- Indirect damage from 250 to 350.
- Reload speed from 3.75sec. to 4sec.
Dev Note: The intention behind these changes are to bring the overall damage output further in line with the Vanguard and Lightning's AP cannons, while retaining the alpha damage advantage these weapons exemplify.
ESF Infantry Lock-on Resistances
- ESF Infantry Lock-on resist (type 68) from -130 to -100. (Note: The Scythe was errantly at -150 resist, instead of the intended -130 prior to this update.)
- Dervish Infantry Lock-on resist (typ 68) from -125 to -60.
Dev Note: This pushes ESF into two lock-ons to burning, instead of two shots to kill; and the Dervish can now receive three hits before burning, instead of two.
M14 Banshee (TR Mosquito Nosegun)
- Extended Magazine size from 6/9/12/15 to 2/4/6/8 rounds.
- Maximum blast damage from 150 to 100.
M30 Mustang AH (NC Reaver Nosegun)
- Reduced Extended Magazine skill line ranks from 4 to 2. This skill line has been refunded due to the reduction in ranks and will need to be repurchased.
- Maximum blast damage from 100 to 60.
Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions
- Fixed an issue with the Ancient Psykinetic Blade looking "bunched up" under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Platoon Color picker from appearing when the dropdown is selected.
- Fixed a pixel-wide separation of tiling textures that would appear at certain mip levels.
- The first character on a new account can no longer skip the tutorial.
- Health and shield numerics has been defaulted on for new installations.
- Disruptor Ammunition's effect is no longer cloned on a weapon it is not equipped on, if you have it equipped on different weapon in the loadout.
- While on the redeploy screen, spawn option updates no longer close the remote vehicle spawn window.