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Sept. 27, 2024 - PTS Update (Fishing)

The PTS server has been updated with the new Fishing Update. Grab the new test client here.

Fishing Arrives to Auraxis

What is Fishing about?

Fishing is a new minigame in PlanetSide 2, offering a relaxing break between battles. Your goal is to collect as many fish species as possible, ideally aiming to complete your entire collection.

  • As you scan for fish, you'll earn Fishcoins, which you can spend on fishing scanner attachments (currently available) and other upcoming items.
  • To add a new species to your collection, simply scan fish found in the oceans or ponds across the continents (only Oshur and Amerish for now).
  • You can view your collection by navigating to Missions → Directives → Collections → Fishing

How do I get started?

We've introduced a unique "Fishing Scanners" slot in the Loadout menu for all classes (excluding Max) across all factions. Clicking this slot will display a single fishing scanner tool that you can equip or unequip. Remember, you'll need to redeploy to use the equipped scanner.

To begin the minigame, locate a fishing spot, equip the fishing scanner, and cast a probe into the water. The minigame will activate as soon as the probe touches the surface. Once it's in the water, you can maneuver the probe with your mouse to scan for nearby fish. Be careful, though—getting too close might scare the fish away, causing them to leave the area permanently.

Fish have a small scan meter displayed above them. When the meter fills to full, you'll successfully scan the fish. Successfully scanned fish will be added to your collection.

There are various types of fish, each differing in size, value, and spawn chances. Happy fishing!

**Please note that this content is not final and is subject to change (including prices for equipment and balancing).**

Where can I fish?

Fishing is available on two continents for now:

  • Oshur (you can find fish anywhere in water)
  • Amerish (at some locations, see the picture below)

What is your fishing goal?

  • Aim to collect as many fish species as possible — ideally, catch them all!
  • While exploring Oshur, experiment with fishing from various locations to get a feel for the gameplay.
  • On Amerish, seek out a few spots to catch different fish species (see image above).

To successfully collect certain types of fish, you'll need to combine the right attachments for your fishing scanner. 

Please note that the prices are subject to change before the official release.


Fish Scanner Attachment Details

Here are current characteristics for each fish scanner attachment:


Affects how long one fishing session can last. The better the battery, the longer the fishing (and recharging)

Name Module Type Capacity Description
SP-23 Battery Standard Battery 100

The standard low-capacity battery to power the Probe. Small capacity allows fast charging at the cost of a lower operating time.

SPL-66 Battery High-Capacity Battery 200 This high-capacity battery provides a huge amount of power for the Probe and gives a lot of time to operate at the cost of a long recharge time.
PB-120 Power Bank Polystellarite Battery 300 The next-gen Polystellarite battery pushes the limits of Probe battery capacity to the next level. Recommended to use in the powerful Scanner Tools for fast charging because of the huge capacity.



Affects what kind of fish is spawned and with what chance.

Name Type Common Fish Max* Rare Fish Max* Legendary Fish Max* Description
LiquidTech “A-1” Basic 100% 3 0 0 0 0 A special cartridge containing synthetic molecules with different flavors of fish bait. The capsule's contents are released into the water, attracting fish with the smell. This variant contains the cheapest flavor.
LiquidTech “Enticing S” Regular 85% 3 15% 1 0 0 A special cartridge containing synthetic molecules with different flavors of fish bait. Contains a basic set of inexpensive aromatic additives to attract the most regular fish.
SynthX “Lured-1N” Pro 50% 3 45% 2 5% 1 A special cartridge containing synthetic molecules with different flavors of fish bait. A lot of fish studying all over Auraxis was done to synthesize this bait. It attracts any type of fish you can find.
SynthX-Premium “The Essence” Premium 25% 3 50% 2 25% 1 This attractor was created specifically to lure the rarest and most demanding fish and uses extracts from natural ingredients instead of synthetics which makes it very expensive but extremely effective.

*Max - the maximum fish amount of this rarity that can be spawned at one time.



This module gives bonuses to the scanning speed based on the fish size. The scanning bonus amount can be found in the table below.

Name Module Type Small Fish Average Fish Large Fish Huge Fish Description
Modulus H-25 High Frequency + 35% 0 - 20%


Replaceable emitter modules allow you to select frequencies optimal for different fish sizes. This high-frequency emitter is optimal for scanning small fish but useless on huge fish.

Modulus M-40 Medium Frequency -20% +35% 0 -40% Replaceable emitter modules allow you to select frequencies optimal for different fish sizes. Medium-length radio waves are well suited for scanning average-sized fish.
Modulus L-60 Low Frequency -90% -20% +35% +10% Replaceable emitter modules allow you to select frequencies optimal for different fish sizes. The low frequencies of this emitter are optimal for searching and scanning large objects only.

Missing functionality:

  • Attractors are not consumable as was designed.

Known Issues

  • Best fish size in collections may not be saved after re-login.
  • If the fishing area isn’t entirely in water, some fish may occasionally drift into the terrain.

Grab the new test client here.

Let us know on the forums if you encounter any bugs with this update. We are also eager to hear your experiences and suggestions with this new addition to the game!

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